NÜDE Retreat

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A full day to explore all facets of the feminine: From wild, raw & messy to sensual, light & blissful.

Connect deeply to the parts of yourself that desire to be seen, held & wildly celebrated.

We will gather in sisterhood, play in nature & explore the feminine via:

▼ Somatic experiencing (movement, touch, breath, sound)

▼ Ceremonial Cacao

▼ Self-massage

▼ Women(x)’s circle

▼ Deep Relaxation

A day to release and be reborn - N Ü D E

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“After this powerful day of sisterhood, releasing and connection, I realized how much I needed this sacred moment. Stella’s one day retreat was more healing and comforting than my 2 weeks in Greece”

Camille L

“Stella offers her grounded, sensual, confident, and compassionate energy as she guides and holds space. The somatic explorations, cacao and the wisdom shared helped me go deeper and let go of so many things that were still keeping me stuck. Thank you!” Celine M.“Stella offers her grounded, sensual, confident, and compassionate energy as she guides and holds space. The somatic explorations, cacao and the wisdom shared helped me go deeper and let go of so many things that were still keeping me stuck. Thank you!”

Celine M.

“[The retreat] was a deep dive into some of the profound aspects of the feminine. It was a beautiful and safe container for one's self and to allow all the experience to be simply felt and lived. It offered me an honest space to meet myself and other women in a loving and brave way.” 

Chloe R.